Чудеса да и только, заработал наконец-то mt-check.cgi, точно нет DBD::mysql вот выдал:
Some of the following modules are required by the various data storage options in Movable Type.
In order run the system, your server needs to have DBI and at least one of the other modules installed.
DBI (version >= 1.21)
Your server has DBI installed (version 1.607).
Your server does not have DBD::mysql installed, or DBD::mysql requires another module that is not installed.
Для использования База данных MySQL необходим драйвер базы данных DBD::mysql.
Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD::mysql.
Your server does not have DBD::SQLite installed, or DBD::SQLite requires another module that is not installed.
Для использования База данных SQLite необходим драйвер базы данных DBD::SQLite.
Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD::SQLite.
DBD::Pg (version >= 1.32)
Either your server does not have DBD::Pg installed, the version that is installed is too old, or DBD::Pg requires another module that is not installed.
Для использования База данных PostgreSQL необходим драйвер базы данных DBD::Pg.
Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD::Pg.
Your server does not have DBD::SQLite2 installed, or DBD::SQLite2 requires another module that is not installed.
Для использования База данных SQLite (v2) необходим драйвер базы данных DBD::SQLite2.
Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD::SQLite2.
суппорт не круглосуточный, значит бум ждать как установят. Всем спасибо за участие.
Отредактировано marlik (10:11:2008 02:55:54)